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Ninja of the Month 2024

Kula Karate Ninja of the Month is a showcase of the talented young people in our community. The power and spirit of our youth is limitless, and Kula thinks it's important to let other young athletes know what their peers are doing in the fitness community. 

Congratulations to the following Kula Karate Ninjas of the Month!

December Ninja of the Month!

Owen Reyes is Kula's December Ninja of the Month! Owen participates in Kula Karate at Casis, and he is currently ranked a white belt with an orange stripe.  Owen was nominated by his coaches because Coach Harris says, "I can always count on him to be leading by example! He’s first to his dot and joonbi at the beginning of every class and he’s always a great sport."

Owen values that he can have fun while learning a valuable skill, and his favorite thing about Kula is learning new punches and kicks. 

Owen's favorite thing about school lunch time and recess. When he grows up, Owen wants to be an artist. Aside from Kula Karate, Owen participates in basketball and soccer at WAYA. Owen is a great student and always willing to help others. He’s loved being a part of the Kula Karate community!

Way to go Owen for being Kula’s December Ninja of the Month!

November Ninja of the Month!

Kate Lisman is Kula's November Ninja of the Month! Kate participates in Kula Intermediate Class, and she is currently ranked a yellow belt with two green stripes!  Kate was nominated by her coaches because coaches have been really impressed with Kate and her dedication to her karate skills and improving. She consistently comes to class prepared and engaged with the new material and is such a joy to teach!

Kate values all the hard work, dedication, and mindfulness that goes into karate classes, and her favorite thing about Kula is being in class with other students who are as into karate as she is!

Kate's favorite thing about school is being with friends, all the great teachers, and having fun while learning. When she grows up, Kate wants to be doctor, teacher, singer, and black belt!  Aside from Kula Karate, Kate participates in basketball, softball, Cub Scouts, plays the piano, and she enjoys organizing community service projects in her neighborhood.

Way to go Kate for being Kula’s November Ninja of the Month!

October Ninja of the Month!

Rachel Hull is Kula's October Ninja of the Month! Rachel participates in Kula at Girls School of Austin, and she is currently ranked a white belt with an orange stripe!  Rachel was nominated by her coaches because, "Rachel truly embodies Kula spirit with her eagerness to learn and enthusiasm in class. She comes in full uniform every week and never fails to put 110% into every class. I can also see how much she appreciates the art of karate by how she understands the forms and even created one of her own!"

Rachel values the fun of doing karate with others and her favorite thing about Kula Karate is learning and practicing kicking and punching. 

Rachel's favorite thing about school is being with friends and playing the double bass. When she grows up, Rachel wants to be a paleontologist.  Aside from Kula Karate, Rachel participates in Girl Scout, plays soccer, and is in the afterschool fencing, film, and cooking clubs! Rachel likes visiting new places, learning about dinosaurs, playing gaga ball, performing on stage, and reading.

Way to go Rachel for being Kula’s October Ninja of the Month!

September Ninja of the Month!

Quinn Stanley is Kula's September Ninja of the Month! Quinn participates in Kula at Lee Elementary, and he is currently ranked an orange belt with one yellow stripe!  Quinn was nominated by his coaches because they have been impressed with Quinn and his dedication to his karate skills and improving. Master Wayne said, "Quinn is sharp, works hard, and loves training. With the younger kids in class, he is kind and helps them when he can."

Quinn values helping other students in Kula Karate and his favorite thing about Kula Karate is the encouragement the instructors give. 

Quinn's favorite thing about school is how everything is all planned out, with reading being his favorite subject. When he grows up, Quinn wants to be a computer scientist.  Aside from Kula Karate, Quinn participates in running club and will soon be joining the film club. He rides his bike to school every day and will typically bike 10 miles over the weekends. 

Way to go Quinn for being Kula’s September Ninja of the Month!

August Ninja of the Month!

Holly Hearn is Kula's August Ninja of the Month! Holly is one of our awesome Intermediate students, and she is a yellow belt!  Holly was nominated by her coaches because they were so impressed with her dedication to the study of martial arts and her commitment to continuing regular classes over the summer.

Holly values the welcoming environment of Kula Karate and her favorite thing about Kula Karate are the instructors!

Holly's favorite thing about school is her relationship with friends and teachers. When she grows up, Holly wants to be a lawyer.  Aside from Kula Karate, Holly plays the piano and enjoys participating in service projects with her church. 

Way to go Holly for being Kula’s August Ninja of the Month!

July Ninja of the Month!

Felix Gorra is Kula's July Ninja of the Month! Felix is part of our Pre-K Ninja group and he is a white belt with an orange stripe.  Felix was nominated by his coaches because of his dedication to his karate skills and improving. Coach Harris also said, "he's the best listener in class!" This is even more impressive, as Felix has hearing loss and wears hearing aids every day. 

What Felix values most about Kula Karate is learning respect. His favorite thing about Kula Karate is getting better at Karate and getting Ninja of the Day stickers! 

Felix’s favorite thing about school is the monkey bars! When he grows up, Felix wants to be a doctor.  Aside from Kula Karate, Felix is also involved in tennis and book camp. Felix also loves to tell stories to friends and family. 

Way to go Felix for being Kula’s July Ninja of the Month!

June Ninja of the Month!

Ryan Yuen is Kula's June Ninja of the Month! Ryan is an orange belt with one yellow stripe, and she participates in Kula at Mathews Elementary and Kula summer camp! Ryan was nominated by her Kula instructors because she is always incredibly determined, very helpful during class and shows amazing progress each time she comes to karate!

What Ryan values most about Kula Karate is demonstrating blocks and kicks. She continues to embody the Kula Karate Do Jon Hun values of "Respect Others", "Endeavor" and "Refrain from Violent Behavior", whether at home, at school, or out having fun. Her favorite thing about Kula Karate is leveling up! 

Ryan’s favorite thing about school is Innovation Lab, being a team leader and helping teachers accomplish the day's classroom goals. She has yet to decide on a profession, but she has mentioned an interest in: astronaut, scientist, software architect/game designer, writer/artist and business entrepreneur (possibly involving social media platforms). Ryan loves language arts and often authors and illustrates her own storybooks. She loves engaging in scientific experiments like creating homemade volcanos, electric circuits, computer coding on Scratch, and creating new worlds in Minecraft. One of her favorite fun activities is riding water slides at Typhoon Texas and Kalahari Waterpark, especially the dreaded Stingray! 

Way to go Ryan for being Kula’s June Ninja of the Month!

May Ninja of the Month

Luke Bufkin is Kula's May Ninja of the Month! Luke just ranked up to a blue belt, and he participates in Kula Intermediate Class @ ARC. Luke was nominated by his Kula instructors because our coaching team has really been impressed with his dedication to his karate skills and improving. He has great focus in class and has shown great leadership.

What Luke values most about Kula Karate is learning techniques and forms. His favorite thing about Kula Karate is learning new moves and pushing his athletic ability. 

Luke’s favorite thing about school is art and being able to use creativity. He also really likes math and science. When he grows up, Luke wants to be an engineer. Aside from Kula Karate, Luke is also involved in football and after school coding club. 

Way to go Luke for being Kula’s May Ninja of the Month!

April Ninja of the Month!

Mila Kirmis is Kula's April Ninja of the Month! Mila is currently a white belt, and she participates in Kula at The Girls School of Austin. Mila was nominated by her Kula instructors because she is always wanting to learn more and is super helpful! She even created her own form in class!

What Mila values most about Kula Karate are "the teachers and getting to learn something new every day." Her favorite thing about Kula Karate is her teachers, learning how to defend herself, and learning how to be mindful.

Mila’s favorite thing about school is her teachers, exploring new subjects, being creative, playing with friends, and just getting to be herself. When she grows up, Mila wants to be an actress, a writer, or in a profession that helps people. Mila is also involved in soccer, gymnastics, swimming, and loves cross country! She also plays the piano and violin. Mila loves her family, traveling, and helping both people and animals. Some of her favorite places to volunteer are Central Texas Food Bank, Community First! Village, Austin Diaper Bank, Pop-Up Birthday, Lutheran World Relief, Caritas of Austin, Soldiers’ Angels, as well as making cookies for first responders and cleaning up her favorite parks.

Way to go Mila for being Kula’s April Ninja of the Month!

March Ninja of the Month!

Rayan Marwah is Kula's March Ninja of the Month! Rayan is currently an orange belt with two yellow stripes, and he participates in Kula at Mathews Elementary. Rayan was nominated by his Kula instructors because he has been so dedicated this semester and really focused in class!

What Rayan values most about Kula Karate is "how it teaches discipline and I get to learn new moves". Rayan's favorite thing about Kula class is his teachers and learning cool, new katas!

Rayan’s favorite thing about school is science, his friends, and Kula Karate. When he grows up, Rayan wants to be a scientist and a ninja. Rayan also plays baseball with Western Hills Little League.  He loves to read, and he takes guitar lessons and French lessons outside of school.

Way to go Rayan for being Kula’s March Ninja of the Month!

February Ninja of the Month!

Kajri Sarkar is Kula's February Ninja of the Month! Kajri is currently a yellow belt, and she participates in Kula at Doss Elementary. Kajri was nominated by her Kula instructors because they appreciate that she is always the first to help and is wonderful with the younger kids. Master Wayne says she is also amazing at staying focused and working on the task at hand.

What Kajri values most about Kula Karate is "how it teaches us courage and perseverance and even though we do stuff over and over again we get better at it every day". Kajri's favorite thing about Kula class is "if you are doing something a bit below your level you learn something new that same day".

Kajri’s favorite thing about school is getting free time to talk to friends and learning lots of interesting things, especially about math. When she grows up, Kajri wants to be a biologist. Kajri also plays violin and is active in Girl Scouts.  She plans to play soccer.

Way to go Kajri for being Kula’s February Ninja of the Month!

January Ninja of the Month!

Henry Pooley is Kula's January Ninja of the Month! Henry is currently an orange belt with one yellow stripe, and he participates in Kula at Highland Park Elementary.  He also added the Intermediate Class this semester to rank up even faster!  Henry was nominated by his Senseis because we have been really impressed with Henry and all his hard work and dedication to improving and advancing.

What Henry values most about Kula Karate is that instructors, "really pay attention to your skills and help you get better." Henry's favorite things about Kula classes are the nice instructors, the meditation time, and learning and practicing Tai Chi.

Henry’s favorite thing about school is learning math, Ms. Fowler, and Ms. JJ.  When he grows up, Henry wants to be a pianist. Henry loves spending time with his friends and family. 

Way to go Henry for being Kula’s January Ninja of the Month!

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