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After VBS Camp 2022!

JULY 25th to 29th from 1-4pm

225 US dollars

Available spots


Austin Youth Fitness is excited to partner with Westminster Presbyterian Church to offer their afternoon Sports Camp after Vacation Bible School! AYF will be offering our Cycle the City Cycling Camp for current Pre-K to 8th graders who are attending morning VBS. WHEN: July 25th to 29th from 1pm to 4pm - campers will eat lunch from 12 to 1pm before AYF camp begins. After VBS Camp this summer will just be cycling focused! We will even offer beginner cyclists a chance to learn to bike! Friday will be a Water Day in the morning VBS camp, and we will do some water activities as well as cycling. WHO: 2021 - 2022 Pre-k to 5th Grade Students (6th, 7th & 8th graders can come as junior coaches for 50% off - USE CODE VBSJUNIORCOACH) CAMP STRUCTURE: All campers will need bikes. If you sign up your camper as a beginner biker, they will practice the fundamentals of biking to go from a non-biker to a biker, or at least more confident in the two days of camp. If you have an experienced rider (can bike 1.5 to 2 miles before a break), they will learn all of the rules of the road and will go on a road ride to local parks, stop for a smoothie along the way, and bike back to the church. In total campers bike 7 to 9 miles during their time. Water Day will be about having some fun with water games! So campers will need to plan to get wet and maybe bring a change of clothes. We will do water balloon launchers and tag, pop the water balloon (like capture the flag), water relays, and so much more! Discount Codes: - Teachers use TEACHER for 50% off - Active or Retired Military use MILITARY for 50% off - Signing up a 6th, 7th, or 8th grader as a junior coach? Use code VBSJUNIORCOACH to get 50% off (if signing up multiple junior coaches, must register each separately to receive each discount)

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